Why Choose Invisalign Over Traditional Braces
Written by Paul Vera on October 5th, 2020.

At Sunshine Pediatric Dentistry, we’re here to help with every stage of your child’s dental health. One of the later stages of this process is ensuring that all of their permanent teeth are in their perfect positions. As a child gets older, their confidence in their smile can make a huge difference in how they interact with the world. Generally straight teeth play a big role in whether or not individuals are happy with their smile.
Orthodontic Choices
These days, there are a few different options available for orthodontics, including time-tested traditional braces as well as newer methods such as Invisalign® clear aligner therapy. If you’re not sure which is best for your child, here are some of the reasons people choose Invisalign over conventional braces.
The greatest advantage that Invisalign has over its competitors is that it’s a clear choice—literally. The trays used in Invisalign treatment are made from clear plastic. These trays are also custom-fitted to the patient so they fit snugly on the teeth. All in all, that means that they blend in quite seamlessly with someone’s smile. There are no metal brackets or wires to attract attention. This can be a huge win for many young kids and teens who may already feel self-conscious about their appearance.
Another big difference between Invisalign and braces is that the trays are completely removable. With braces, kids have to be careful about what kinds of foods they’re eating so debris doesn’t get stuck in the wires. They also have to pay more attention to how they’re brushing and flossing to get into those hard-to-reach nooks and crannies around the hardware. With Invisalign, you can pop out the trays fully, which means the patient doesn’t need to say goodbye to their favorite foods. Additionally, they can continue to brush and floss like normal. For young Invisalign patients, that makes accommodating the orthodontic treatment into their daily routine even easier.
Straighter Teeth in San Antonio, TX
Do you think Invisalign might be right for your child? Sunshine Pediatric Dentistry welcomes you into our San Antonio dental practice for an in-person consultation. We’re always happy to answer any questions you or your child has about orthodontic care!
New Patient Specials
New patients only. Regular cost or orthodontic treatment can be between $2,500 and $6,000. No cash value. Call our office for details!

Includes a professional cleaning, exam, & fluoride. No cash value, not combinable, not valid with insurance. Offer valid for new patients, only.
Value of $326
Includes a professional cleaning, exam, x-rays & fluoride. No cash value, not combinable, not valid with insurance. Offer valid for new patients, only.
Value of $418

Learn more about Invisalign for kids!