Fluoride Treatment for Kids in San Antonio, TX

Fluoride, a natural element, has proven effective in minimizing tooth decay and cavity development. At Sunshine Pediatric Dentistry, we find that fluoride treatment is ideal for children still learning about caring for their oral health. Fluoride treatment is also recommended for young patients more susceptible to cavities! If you would like to learn more about our fluoride treatment for kids or schedule an appointment for your child, get in touch with our office.

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Is fluoride good for toddlers?

Fluoride is a mineral that helps prevent tooth decay, strengthen tooth enamel, and reduce the effects of plaque. The benefits of fluoride are important, especially for young children, including toddlers. Toddlers and young children tend to snack often. Consistent snacking is an easy way for leftover food or bacteria to contribute to tooth decay. Opting for fluoride treatment is a great way to combat or prevent decay. When you visit our office, we will recommend and only apply safe doses of fluoride for kids.

At what age do fluoride treatments start?

As soon as teeth develop, they are at risk of decay or other dental issues. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends children start fluoride treatment or have some form of fluoride when their first tooth erupts, which is often around their first birthday. The number of fluoride treatments per year will vary per child, so during their routine dental cleaning and exam, we can determine how often fluoride treatment is necessary.

What happens during fluoride treatment for kids?

When your child visits our dentist in San Antonio for fluoride treatment, you can expect the appointment to be quick unless a dental cleaning is also being completed. Our pediatric dentist will simply apply fluoride varnish or another form of fluoride to your child’s teeth during treatment. After fluoride application, our dentist will give you all the information you need to care for your child’s teeth!

Contact our office to learn more!