Custom Space Maintainers in San Antonio, TX

Dental visits for your child ensure that their primary teeth, also known as baby teeth, are correctly paving the way for their permanent teeth. Dental milestones, including the loss of teeth, can sometimes cause shifting in the mouth. A space maintainer can help prevent this from occurring. At your next visit, ask our team about a custom pediatric space maintainer for your child or reach out to our friendly front office staff about our options for our San Antonio space maintainers for your child.

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What does a space maintainer do?

Space maintainers are small metal or plastic appliances that are custom fit to your child’s mouth. A pediatric space maintainer serves the purpose to make sure that teeth are kept in their proper position and don’t shift into open spaces, resulting in misalignment. Not only does a pediatric space maintainer prevent misalignment, but they also help maintain correct speech and eating habits.

When should a space maintainer be placed?

When a child’s tooth is lost prematurely, it would be beneficial to get a space maintainer. However, not every child will need or be recommended a space maintainer for every tooth that falls out. A band and loop space maintainer sits around a back tooth, with a wire that loops out to extend to the open space, with enough room for the missing tooth to erupt in its proper position.

Are space maintainers painful?

A space maintainer dental appointment is nothing for you or your child to worry about, as our pediatric space maintainers are custom-fit to each patient. While your child may experience some discomfort as they adjust to having a band and loop space maintainer in their mouth, they will likely forget it is there within a few days. If you are curious about how much a space maintainer costs or about our San Antonio space maintainers process, contact our office today.

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